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Breadless Tuna Sandwich on Cucumber Baguettes

Breadless Tuna Sandwich on Cucumber Baguettes

If you are looking to reduce bread in your diet and get more vegetables in your diet, you’ll love this breadless tuna cucumber sandwich recipe starring a classic pantry staple: tuna fish.

You can prepare it at home and spoon the tuna salad into the cucumber baguettes in advance. Or up can pack the tuna salad in a small container like the no-leak Seal Cup Solo and put the prepped cucumber into a Blue Water Bento no-leak, stainless steel Splash Box so you can assemble the breadless sandwiches when you’re ready to eat. This way, if you’re jostling around your lunchboxes in transit to school, work or play, you won’t spill the tuna out of your greenly breadless baguettes.

Breadless Tuna Sandwich on Cucumber Baguettes


  • 1 hothouse cucumber
  • 1 can of sustainably fished and non-toxic tested tuna
  • 2 T chopped celery
  • 2 T chopped dill pickle or green onion
  • 2 T chopped arugula
  • 1 T mayonnaise
  • 1 T Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Cut hothouse cucumber into 5-inch lengths. This size fits well in several ECOlunchboxes. Check the size of your bento box before you cut the cucumber to make sure the length will fit nicely. Then, use a spoon to scoop out cucumber seeds and pulp.

Drain 1 can of tuna and mix in mayonnaise and mustard. Add salt and pepper lightly. Add 2 T each of chopped celery, chopped dill pickles, and arugula. Mix together all.

Now it’s time to assemble! Enjoy in low-carb, zero-waste style!

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