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ECOlunchbox Is a B Corp!

ECOlunchbox Is a B Corp!

Why is ECOlunchbox a certified B Corporation?

The reason we were founded in 2008 was to make a difference by helping people say goodbye to plastic at lunchtime and beyond. We set out to build a company that put to market plastic-free products that were healthy for both people and the planet.

In fact, without the driving force of our plastic-free mission, ECOlunchbox would never have been born. Our mission is the whole reason we exist! To the best of our knowledge, ECOlunchbox was the first company founded globally with the express intention to put to market a 100% plastic-free line of products. We have been determined from our inception to show with our actions the power of what's possible when it comes to doing business for good and hopefully inspire other businesses to follow in our footsteps.

So it's makes complete sense that we've chosen to go through the rigorous process of becoming a certified B Corporation!

The “B” in B Corp stands for “Benefit” and that’s exactly what we’ve been up to for the last 15 years, building a company to benefit all our stakeholders. In case you don’t know about B Corps, read on!


 B Corp

Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Companies like ECOlunchbox meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As of 2023, there are more than 6,000 B Corps in 150 industries and 80 countries around the world. Our goal is to transform the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet.


California Green Business

Certified California Green Businesses exceed all environmental regulations, and implement specific practices to reduce pollution, save water, conserve energy, and protect human health. Being a Certified Green Business is the clearest way to show your community and customers that you care about sustainability. It shows them that you are committed to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations. It means that your business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.

Our Founding Story

ECOlunchbox was born of the idea that change can begin at lunchtime. Our founder, Sandra Ann Harris, wanted to eliminate plastics from her kids' lunchboxes and lunchboxes everywhere to reduce their exposure to BPA and other toxins and build awareness about the environmental downsides of plastic.

Harris, who tells her story in her book called Say Goodbye to Plastic, is an environmental activist and entrepreneur who started her family owned business on her kitchen table and has scaled it over the last 12 years to serve people worldwide.

ECOlunchbox has sold more than 800,000 ECOlunchboxes so far and generated positive and measurable Planet Impact. The ECOlunchbox community who uses these lunchboxes in lieu of disposables is estimated to avert the use and disposal of 10s of millions of pieces of trash annually.

“I am thrilled we’re making a difference and being part of the B Corp community is an exciting opportunity for us to continue to strive to improve ECOlunchbox as we go forward with our plastic-free mission,” Harris said. “There is so much to learn when it comes to learning how as a business we can positively contribute to building a better world for people and our planet.”

The B Corp certification process looks not only at the benefit of the ECOlunchbox products in terms of waste and toxin aversion, but it also factors heavily supply chain standards and personnel practices when it comes to the company’s team.



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