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You Asked, We Answered!

You Asked, We Answered!

Here are some of our top ECOlunchbox customer service queries and questions!

Are ECOlunchboxes with the silicone lids heat safe/oven safe? - Jared, Canada
  • Yes, our Blue Water Bento line made from steel with the silicone lids is oven safe up to medium-high heat, about 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Stainless steel conducts heat, so gets hot! Be sure to have your oven mitts handy.

    I was wondering how much would the shipping be to France? I am considering buying the Seal Cup Fivesome set or Blue Water Bento Splash Box + Seal Cup Trio but would like to know the approximate cost of shipping. -- Kristin, France

    • The way to know your exact shipping cost is to begin the ordering process and you will see the exact cost BEFORE you have to complete your order and you can adjust or cancel it if you choose. We do ship to France, so it will appear in the address pull-down menu. We have various shipping options, including the United States Postal Service and UPS. Our shopping cart is integrated with these partners and will accurately quote based on the weight of your order and your ship-to address. You could also check our list of international distributors and reach out to see if a seller near you might be able to ship to you.

    Hi, Where are your products manufactured? Vicki, USA

    • Our ECOlunchboxes are made in China and India. The Blue Water Bento line with no-leak silicone lids is made in China, and the 100% stainless steel bentos are made in India. If you are curious about a specific product, go to the product page on our Website and you’ll see that below the description we list bullet points describing the products, size as well as the country of origin.

    Will these stainless steel boxes rust over time when you use them? Do I have to hand wash them? Melissa, USA

    • All of the stainless steel used in our lunch boxes and snack containers are high quality, food safe, corrosion resistant and independently tested. They are designed to resist corrosion so long as they’re properly cared for. Yes, it’s totally fine to put the containers and the lids, both our silicone and stainless lids, in the dishwasher. Even very hot commercial dishwashers are fine for our products. But we recommend that customers avoid using bleach, harsh chemicals, abrasive cleansers or pads when cleaning our products as those items can damage stainless steel. For more tips on how to properly care for your stainless steel and keep it corrosion resistant, please see our FAQ page.

    Where is my order, please? Susan, Los Angeles

    • It takes between one and three days for our fulfillment center to process orders for shipping. Once it has been packed and a shipping label created, you’ll receive an email notifying you it’s on its way! If you haven’t gotten an email yet, check your junk folder. Be sure it’s not marked SPAM. You can either add to your contacts our send-from email or drag the email into your “primary” folder so that going forward you’re sure to see notifications regarding your order, including getting an alert when it’s delivered.

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      Zero Waste Containers - Shop Now

      I’m writing regarding my ECOlunchbox order.  I have been using these lunch containers happily since I’ve received them.  I really like how they are leak proof, and the sizes work perfectly. I have just noticed rust spots on the inside of one of the containers, and am very sad to see that.  -- Helen, Norristown, PA

      • It’s very unusual for our products to rust since stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion. Let’s see if we can help you clean it. We use high-quality, food-safe steel that meets high standards set in the United States and European Union. Caring for stainless steel involves using gentle methods that don’t destroy the corrosion-resistant finish on the material’s surface. For example, harsh chemicals like bleach and acidic foods left in contact with the steel for long periods can result in a risk of rusting. Since you've mentioned you think you might have a couple of rust spots, try cleaning these areas with a paste made of baking soda mixed with water. Coat the areas and leave for about 30 minutes. Then, rub off with a damp cloth. For more tips on how to properly care for your stainless steel and keep it corrosion resistant, please see our FAQ page.

      My package was said to be delivered today on the porch yet there is nothing there. -- Astrid, Maplewood, NJ

      • How disappointing!  Sometimes packages do get lost or stolen and it is disappointing for all of us. (I personally had to get a locked mailbox for that very reason).  Your package was shipped UPS Ground and tracking shows it was delivered onto your PORCH yesterday 10/11/17 at 4:32 pm. You will need to contact UPS with the tracking number you have and verify that it, in fact, was left at your address as it is possible it went to a neighbor by mistake.  

      I just received my order of some of your stainless steel containers.  I see that they are made in India and China. How can you confirm for me that they don't contain anything but stainless steel - no nickel, lead or cadmium?  -- Holly, San Francisco, CA

      • All our products are made from food-safe stainless steel that has been tested to make sure they don’t leach any dangerous hard metals, like lead, cadmium or nickel. The tests, which have confirmed that these hard metals are “not detected” in our stainless steel, are done by a third-party certified testing company to make sure ECOlunchbox products meet food-safety standards in the United States and European Union. For more information about our steel and how to care for it, please visit our FAQ page

      Hi there. I used my ECOlunchbox over a camp stove like it says online but now I have an odd stain that I cannot get out. Help!  -- Graciela, Tampa, FL

      • Use over a camp stove is also acceptable but it might discolor the steel a little bit. Not to worry, it’s still safe to use. Our products are also safe for use in the oven or toaster oven up to about 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not use our stainless steel containers over an open fire or in the microwave. If heating food in our containers, be sure to use a pot gripper or a pot holder. Steel will get very hot! To remove the stain, you could make a thick paste of baking soda and water. Coat the problem area and leave for half an hour. Then rub with a damp cloth, rinse and dry. For more tips on how to properly care for your stainless steel and keep it corrosion resistant, please see our FAQ page.

      Hi! I would like to know if you ship to Chile, and how much it will cost? -- Cora, Chile

      • We don’t ship to Chile from our California warehouse, unfortunately. We do have a distributor in Chile who would be closer to you and keep your shipping costs down. Our international distributors are listed here.
      Splash Box - ECOlunchbox  Seal Cup Trio

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