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Responsibly Made

Blue Water Bento container filled with fruits and vegetables on a rock next to someone re-tying their hiking shoe.

We're Certified!

ECOlunchbox is a mission-based business offering a plastic-free line of products designed to empower people to say goodbye to plastic. We believe business can be a force for good and follow high standards of environmental and social responsibility in our business practices. ECOlunchbox is a certified B Corporation.

B-Corp, Planet-Centric Shipping, Plastic Free, and CO2 Offset Logos

Planet-Centric Shipping, CO2 Offset Logos

B-Corp, Plastic Free Logos

B Corp

Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

ECOlunchbox meets B Corp's verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As of 2018, there are more than 2,500 B Corp businesses in 130 industries and 60 countries around the world. B Corps™ are businesses that meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

We Offset Our Carbon Footprint

We believe companies should take responsibility for their carbon emissions. At ECOlunchbox, we strive to be as net climate neutral as possible and annually measure our planet impact. We also measure our carbon footprint using greenhouse gas accounting.

Once we've tallied our carbon impact, we purchase Renewable Energy Certificates to match our corporate electricity usage. Renewable energy certificates (RECs) enable companies to offset their carbon footprint and support clean energy.

Additionally, we measure and offset the carbon footprint ECOlunchbox generates through the import of our products via sea freight and business travel. Carbon is sequestered by the carbon offset projects we support, such as renewable forestry.

Additionally, all our UPS shipments are carbon neutral because ECOlunchbox pays a green fee to participate in the freight company's offset programs. UPS's carbon neutral option supports projects that offset the emissions of the shipment's transport. UPS has supported projects that include reforestation, landfill gas destruction, wastewater treatment, and methane destruction.

Made To Last Products + Recyclable

Our stainless steel lunchboxes are responsibly made in India and China from high quality, food-grade stainless steel. Steel is a highly valued and highly recycled commodity unlike plastic. The rate of steel recycling is increasingly every year with the current rate up from about 66% to 90% currently, according to the International Stainless Steel Forum. The global rate of plastic recycling, however, remains at about 1% with the remainder of the plastic ending up in the landfill or lost in the environment, such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Steel scraps are recycled after production. Full circle!

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