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Plastic-Free Outdoor Entertaining Solutions

Say goodbye to plastic while hosting outdoor picnics, parties and BBQs! Check out our product recommendations for zero waste outdoor entertaining.

Made from stainless steel, our non-breakable containers work great for packing family-size portions of foods to share outdoors. Serve your meal from our larger containers on divided steel plates, which we offer in two sizes. The Camping Tray is a little larger than the Kid's Tray.  The exact dimensions are noted in the product details pages in the bullet points (scroll down). These plates are sold individually as well as in discounted packs.

Don't forget to get utensils, napkins and beverage containers, too. For a full list of how-to tips for outdoor zero-waste entertaining, check out our blog.

Learn more about recommended products by clicking the images below and order for your shop on our wholesale portal

ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Three-in-One Giant
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Three-in-One Giant

Three-in-One Giant

$ 50.00
Out of stock
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox 1 Kid's Tray
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Kid's Tray

Kid's Tray

From  $ 15.50
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Bento Wet Box (Large Rectangle)
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Bento Wet Box (Large Rectangle)

Bento Wet Box (Large Rectangle)

$ 40.00
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Camping Tray
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Camping Tray

Camping Tray

$ 70.00 $ 17.50
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Seal Cup XL
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Seal Cup XL

Seal Cup XL

$ 20.00
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Seal Cup Jumbo
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Seal Cup Jumbo

Seal Cup Jumbo

$ 25.50
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Splash Box XL
Blue Water Bento Lunchbox Splash Box XL

Splash Box XL

$ 32.00
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Bento Wet Box (Round)
ECOlunchbox Lunchbox Bento Wet Box (Round)

Bento Wet Box (Round)

$ 34.00

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