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March Celebration Salad

March Celebration Salad

In celebration of B Corp Month & Women’s History Month this March, ECOlunchbox pairs up with three socially and environmentally responsible brands.

When it comes to packing salads to go, the key is sumptuous fresh ingredients and packing the dressing and toppings separately from the greens to avoid wilting. This recipe from our friends at Dress It Up Dressings fits the bill when it comes to making a hearty meal to-go out of greens.

We’ve teamed up at ECOlunchbox with Dress It Up Dressing, another woman-owned B Corp to bring you this March Celebration Salad recipe because this month it’s both B Corporation and Women’s History Month.

Our March Celebration Salad is also enhanced by the family farmed flavors of Isadore Nuts, another woman-owned brand.

All together, the ingredients pack perfectly into our plastic-free ECOlunchbox Salad Kit, with the main in the Seal Cup Jumbo and the toppings in Seal Cup Small and Seal Cup Mini. ECOlunchbox is a woman-owned B Corp and California Green Business focused exclusively on responsibly made plastic-free products.

100% Steel ECOlunchboxes - Shop Now

100% Steel ECOlunchboxes - Shop Now

We invite you to pack up your greens to-go along with an organic bamboo ECOtravel Utensil Set with denim sack. Be sure to skip wasteful single-use plastic utensils. These bamboo utensils are made by fellow B Corp brand Bambu that’s co-owned by a wife-and-husband team who design and sell artisan bamboo kitchenware.

So when you tuck into this salad, please join us in remembering all of these socially and environmentally responsible woman-owned brands as we join together to celebrate  Women’s History Month and B-Corp Month this March!

March Celebration Salad Recipe



1. In the Blue Water Bento Seal Cup Jumbo (purple lid) add in your mixed greens, diced carrots, and cherry tomatoes. Top your salad with avocado.

2. Add the nuts to Seal Cup Solo (teal lid) container

3. Pour Dress It Up Dressing Sesame Tahini into the Seal Cup Mini (yellow lid).

4. Sometime later, pick a lovely lunch spot. Then, add the pecans to your salad and drizzle with dressing when you’re ready to eat - not before. That way the nuts stay crunchy and the greens don’t wilt from the dressing.

5. Lastly, open sesame! It’s time to tuck into your salad with your reusable bamboo utensils!

This recipe was provided by guest contributor Sophia Maroon, founder of Dress It Up Dressing, who turned her mother’s family recipe for a creamy vinaigrette into a brand of six delicious salad dressings sold in plastic-free glass jars. The dressings, which are free of gluten and gums, double as marinades, spreads and dips!

Buy Box Three-In-One - ECOlunchboxBuy Box Seal Cup Trio - ECOlunchbox

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