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ECOlunchbox Stars in Gift Guides

ECOlunchbox Stars in Gift Guides

For Kids, Surfers, Eco Teens, Foodies & Outdoor Lovers

Whether it's Valentine's Day, Graduation Day, Mother's Day or a special holiday like Christmas or Hanukkah, ECOlunchboxes make great green gifts that will be enjoyed for years!

Share your love of #plasticfree by giving our ocean-friendly #nontoxic bento boxes to everyone on your list. Gift them alone, in sets with lunch bags or reusable utensils, or pack the containers with candies, toys, gourmet treats, bath salts or other goodies. Or email your special someone an ECOlunchbox gift card and (easier for you!) let them pick their own favorites.

Ocean lovers, surfers, kayakers...  Splash Box and Pods Set
New moms, infant eaters... 3 Seal Cup Minis plus ECObaby Bambu Utensils
Toddlers... Seal Cup Trio and  Seal Cup Mini with treats or toys packed inside
Teen or college eco girl... ECOlunchette Kit
Yoga and vegan veggie enthusiasts... Tri Bento with ECOstainless Spork
Outdoor adventurers... ECO Adventure Kit
Foodies aficionados... Three in One Giant packed with seasonings, rubs, salts

Check out these eco-friendly gift guides we're featured in!

We're not the only ones who think ECOlunchboxes make great gifts for all ages. ECOlunchbox has been showing up in green gift guides galore! We hope these mentions inspire you, too!


“ECOlunchbox offers a plastic-free solution for taking food on the go, from a train through Chine to the backcountry trails of the Rocky Mountains.”

via 10Best
 ECOlunchbox - a plastic-free solution
Three containers-all in one- snap  “Three containers-all in one- snap together for easy travel and minimal weight. Store breakfast granola in one, trail mix in another and leave the third empty for picking blueberries trailside.”

via Backpacker
“Eating healthy on-the-go can be a challenge, especially on hectic construction and building sites. Make it easier for your favorite tradesperson to eat right with one of these handy kits.”

via This Old House
 ECOlunchbox Eating healthy on-the-go
ECOlunchbox’s Blue Water Bento Collection  “Whether you’re bringing your lunch to work, packing for a picnic, or carrying the inevitable kid snacks with you, ECOlunchbox’s Blue Water Bento Collection are a perfect option."

via GeekDad
“The 3-in-1 Splash Box by ECOlunchbox is a great waste-free way to store food.”

via Lexington Family
 The 3-in-1 Splash Box by ECOlunchbox
non-toxic stainless steel reusable containers  “These are among the best non-toxic stainless steel reusable containers that I have found.”

via Get Green Be Well

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