2015: Year in Review

What we accomplished this year... with your help!

1. Positively Impacted the Earth
Early in the year we released our Planet Impact Study to let you know just how much of an impact you and we are making by switching over to reusable lunch gear. We crunched the numbers and found that we have sold more than 275,000 lunchboxes (as of November), which are averting annually tens of millions of pieces of plastic from use and disposal.
ECOlunchbox’s annual impact is equivalent to offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions from 5,469,048 miles driven by passenger vehicles in one year. Want to think about our planet impact another way? Our study showed that use of our products results annually in CO2 emissions from 2.5 million pounds of coal burned, the carbon sequestered by 58,897 tree seedlings grown for 10 years (go trees go!), 316 homes’ electricity use for one year, or 5,342 barrels of oil consumed.
We couldn't have done it without you!
2. ECOlunchbox Went to Washington D.C.
We flew across the country to attend the Think Beyond Plastic Innovation Showcase in Washington D.C. There we met with representatives of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate ocean caucuses and shared how as a social venture we are using the capitalist engine to drive eco-friendly change. In other words, we are selling plastic-free lunch boxes to empower people to reduce their dependence on plastics for health and environmental reasons.
3. Kickstarted an Ocean-Friendly Lunchware Line
756 ocean-loving backers funded our innovative line of stainless steel and silicone food containers. The leak-proof but still plastic-free containers with modern sea-worthy designs really resonated with not only our ECO community, but the Kickstarter community as well, who funded our project by 180%. The flood of support was overwhelming and heart-warming, and made all of the hard work that goes into making new earth-conscious products well worth it.
We hope you’re proud of all the accomplishments we have made together to make a better home and future for our planet.
2016 is shaping up to be another exciting year,
so join our communities to keep in touch!