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Green Fundraising for Schools & More

Green Fundraising With ECOlunchbox

Option 1: We can assign your club, school or organization an online code to track orders placed through our ECOlunchbox Webstore. When the promotion is over, we'll add up all the sales generated and write a donation check for 15% made out to your group.

Please contact us so we can assign your group a unique tracking code for online purchases via our Webstore.

Option 2: Similar to Option 1, this fundraiser can be done entirely online. We offer the opportunity to sell $50 ECOlunchbox gift certificates to your community. Your group earns $5 for every gift certificate sold. How does it work? The $50 gift certificate is offered to you by ECOlunchbox for $45.

Option 3: If you have a resale license and are willing to pre-purchase in bulk using a credit card, families from your school or organization can purchase ECOlunchboxes in wholesale packs. Then your organization can resell the lunchware to raise money. Your group's fundraising activity percentage would be approximately 35% depending on order volume.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $ 0.00

Shipping Address

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