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Veggie Frittata with Sweet Onions, Tomatoes, Pesto, Spinach and Parmesan

Veggie Frittata with Sweet Onions, Tomatoes, Pesto, Spinach and Parmesan

One of my favorite on-the-go breakfasts is a frittata cooked up an ECOlunchbox Oval. I love the Oval because it was my first ECOlunchbox, but you can also use the large or extra large Seal Cup, or the Splash Box from the Blue Water Bento line. They're all oven-safe!

I whipped up this frittata ahead of time for a weekend trip out on my sailboat. Frittatas are great cold, but I usually heat them up by throwing them on the grill for a few minutes. This is a super option for any outdoor activity where you have access to a grill, a fire, or a camping cookstove.

Depending on how many eggs you use you can make these as single or double servings in one Oval. I also use all organic veggies, and fresh tomatoes from the garden whenever possible.


¼ of a medium-sized sweet onion (I’m in Oregon, so I use Walla Walla’s)
2-3 Tbs of olive oil
2 eggs
2 egg whites
2-3 TBS of pesto (homemade or store bought)
3 TBS of parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
A generous handful of raw, organic spinach
A generous handful of whole, cherry tomatoes or one chopped tomato


    1. Pre-heat your oven to 350° F
    2. Generously oil your ECOlunchbox with at least 1 tablespoon olive oil
    3. Chop the onion and sauté it in olive oil over low heat until translucent
    4. While your onions are cooking, separate out your egg whites into a bowl, then and add the whole eggs and scramble them gently with a fork or a whisk
    5. Add 2 TBS of Parmesan cheese, the pesto, salt and paper and mix in. Remember, most pesto have salt, so you probably don’t need to add too much extra.
    6. Toss in the spinach and tomatoes and mix them in gently with a fork.
    7. Sprinkle the rest of the Parmesan on top.
    8. Take your ECOlunchbox out of the freezer. Your oil should be more solid. Use your finger to spread the oil on all surfaces of the container, giving special attention to the sides and bottom edges. Do it quickly so you don’t heat up the oil and make it liquid again.
    9. Pour your frittata mix in.
    10. Put the lid on (the silicone lids for the Splash Box and Seal Cups are oven safe too).



    1. Place in the over for 15 minutes at 425 then reduce the heat to 325.
    2. Bake for an additional 20-25 minutes, or until the center of the frittata is firm and not liquid anymore.
    3. Uncover the frittata and bake for an additional 5 minutes to brown the top. You can also broil it for a few minutes.
    4. Remove it from the oven and let it cool.
    5. Refrigerate until you’re ready to eat it or pack it up for your next adventure!


    Melissa Bearns is a devoted foodie and gardener, the founder of digital marketing agency Current Shift Media, and is a consultant for ECOlunchbox. 

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