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Lemony Garden Nicoise Salad Recipe

Lemony Garden Nicoise Salad Recipe

Salade Nicoise originated in the French city of Nice. The salad is traditionally made of tomatoes, hard-boiled eggsNiçoise olivesanchovies, and dressed with olive oil. It has been popular worldwide since the early 20th century and has been prepared and discussed by many famous chefs.

Our friend and California culinary entrepreneur Lia Huber, the founder of Nourish Evolution, has developed an updated version of this old-time favorite and added a lemony twist we love. Her picture-perfect salad is featured above elegantly packed in our Solo Rectangle stainless steel food container. Have you thought about taking a picnic recently?

Garden Nicoise Salad Recipe 

This salad is a great keeper for a fresh, hearty lunch. Keep the dressing in a separate, no-leak container to drizzle on just before eating.

2 cups marinated tomatoes (recipe below)
2 cups boiled green beans
4 hard boiled eggs, sliced
¼ cup kalamata olives, sliced crosswise
¼ cup red onion, thinly sliced
8-12 fillets smoked mackeral OR sardines
1/4 cup Creamy Lemon Dressing (recipe below)

Arrange tomatoes, green beans, boiled egg, kalamata, red onion and fish on a plate
or container. Drizzle with Creamy Lemon Dressing, or tote in a separate container to
drizzle at lunchtime.
Serves 4

Marinated Tomatoes

Make a batch ahead to use for this recipe and you'll have extras to spare!

1 pound ripe tomatoes, cut into 1-inch chunks
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1 garlic clove, grated
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Let stand 30 minutes before serving to
allow the flavors to develop. Leftovers will keep refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Creamy Lemon Dressing

Make a batch ahead and use for this recipe and more!

1 tablespoon almond butter (or tahini or peanut butter)
1 teaspoon fish sauce
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons cider vinegar
juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon ground cumin
1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
¼ cup water
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Blam everything in a blender until smooth.
Makes 2/3 cup

Photos by Nourish Evolution

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