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Road Trip! Tips for Snack Attacks

ECOlunchbox Plastic-Free Snack Containers for Road Trips

Get Your Kids in the Driver’s Seat with Healthy Road Trip Snacks! 

Road trips usually mean greasy, lukewarm gas station food, chips, candy, and soda (or pop, depending on where you’re from)...yikes! Doesn’t it feel nearly impossible to find a healthy snack when you’re out on the open road?

Whether you want to hike your favorite national park or have a splish-splashing beach vacation planned, getting there is half the fun. Nothing screams summer more than a family road trip! 

Tossing some healthy road trip snacks in an ECOlunchbox is quick and easy and will make munching and crunching on wholesome snacks a no-brainer! So, before you slam the trunk, crank up the tunes, and speed off for an adventure, take stock of your snacks. 

Here are a few of our favorite tips for preparing energy-packed goodies to keep you fueled up for the ride!

Stainless steel ECOlunchpod non-toxic, BPA-free snack container by ECOlunchbox for road trips

#1: Let the Kids Choose Their Road Trip Snacks

If you’re traveling with kids, invite them to pack snacks they love. Help them stock up with a variety of healthy options, and be sure to pick shelf-stable snacks that don’t need refrigeration. When kids pack their own goodies, they’re more likely to actually eat them. Plus, you’ll be able to zip past all the fast-food chains without ever hearing, “Can we stop!?” 

Plastic-free Seal Cup Trio lunchbox set by Blue Water Bento is waste-free road-trip essential

#2: Stock up on Fruits and Veggies

Skip fruits that easily bruise or stain, such as strawberries, peaches, or pomegranates. Instead, opt for fruits and veggies that can survive the miles. Apples, carrots, cauliflower, grapes, and clementines are all fantastic choices. Frozen, dried, and dehydrated fruits and vegetables are fun for snacking, too.

#3: Pack Protein!

Keep your engines humming with protein to help you feel full and alert. Pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, toasted almonds, homemade trail mix, pita pockets stuffed with lunch meats, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce, or whole-grain crackers with cheddar!

#4 Keep it Non-Toxic, Plastic-Free, and Litter-Less

Say goodbye to pre-packaged food bars and other single-serving snacks packed in plastic. Instead try to buy snacks in bulk at your local natural grocery or if that's not possible purchase a family-size bag and divvy up into reusable containers.

Our non-toxic Blue Water Bento Seal Cup Trio and Splash Pod containers are absolute road trip essentials. Made from stainless steel with silicone, leak-proof lids, our collection of ECOlunchbox snack tins are the perfect tools for your Labor Day road trip.

They’re simple to use, easy to clean, end once you’ve gobbled up all the snacks, you can use them to collect special vacation memories like sea glass, cool rocks, or seashells!

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