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The Wheels on My Bike Go Round & Round!

The Wheels on My Bike Go Round & Round

Learn How To Prepare For Safe Biking Back To School

Pump up your tires! Adjust the chain. Grease and lube! It’s almost time to go to school in eco-friendly style by bicycle. But before you hit the road, let’s make sure you’re ready to send your child off to school safely on her bike.

Advance planning is the key to successfully getting to and from school by bike. For parents, this means making sure that their child’s bike is properly maintained, purchasing any gear that may be needed, such as a book basket, flashing light or reflective vest, and thoroughly mastering riding the best routes to and from school.

Here are some tips for making sure your child is ready to roll safely to school on the first day of school.


Check your child’s bike to make sure it’s the still the right size and is in proper repair.

  • Is the frame size the right size?
  • Do the tires need air?
  • Is the chain lubed and adjusted?
  • Is there anything else that needs fixing?

Remember, fix it, don’t ditch it. And if your child has outgrown her bike, check with friends, family and neighbors to trade bikes or buy second hand.

The Wheels on My Bike Go Round & Round, Eco-Friendly Bicycling Tips


  • Does your child need you to add a bike basket to the front handles or a rack and basket for heavier books over the rear wheel? Check with your local bike dealer to determine what would be the best approach based on how much your child is carrying.
  • Does your child have a flashing light on the back of her bike? Even during daylight hours, it’s best to have lights on bikes so your child will be easily seen by motorists.
  • Buy a reflective vest or jacket your child can wear over her school clothing. Better seen than sorry.
  • Buy a bike lock!


  • A parent now needs to ride the route to and from school alone by bike and determine the safest route.
  • Keep in mind that the route to school isn’t the safest way to come home. Make sure that your child knows the best way to go to school and to come home! (Take into account hills, safest intersections to cross, whether there are sidewalks available for riding when streets are super busy, etc)
  • It’s time to introduce your child to the safest route to school during off-peak hours, i.e. on the weekend or when traffic in your neighborhood is light. Ride the route with your child, taking the lead and letting her child follow. Do this at least two times in both directions.
  • Teach the child how to cross safely at intersections, how to be very predictable and steady in their riding and when to use hand signals to alert drivers to their route.


  • Ask your child to lead you to school. Follow behind on your bike.
  • Practice locking and unlocking the bike at school.
  • Ride home!
  • Do it again!

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