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Seaweed, Sand & Shells, OH MY!

Seaweed, Sand & Shells, OH MY!

When it comes to the health of the big blue sea, every choice we make in our quest for plastic-free living matters.

For many of us the ocean seems very mysterious and vast. Even coastal dwellers can feel removed from its presence during our day to day lives. For those of us committed to eco-friendly living, concrete things like recycling or bringing reusable bags to the grocery store feel so much more doable than tackling the what lies beneath those blue waves.

Unfortunately, the ocean bears the brunt of our sins against the earth. 99% of plastic is never recycled and a good deal of it ends up in the North Pacific Ocean in a terrible place called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Marine life and birds accidentally eat this plastic causing grave health issues and even death.

As diehard ocean lovers, the ECOlunchbox team dreamed up a line of Blue Water Bento lunchboxes that not only celebrate the beauty of the sea but provide our community with plastic-free, leak-proof lunchboxes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

We were inspired by our oceans as well as climate change that’s also wreaking havoc on the coral reefs and threatening populations of fish and mammals among other dire issues. Did you know that reducing dependence on plastics also has a CO2e upside?

Out of sight is definitely not out of mind for our designers at ECOlunchbox. Silicone provided the perfect canvas for our imagination to run wild when it came to inspirational lid designs featuring abstract ocean motifs, such as sea urchins, sand dollars and shells!

For the lid designs we headed straight to the beach. We found inspiration all around us and beneath the waves of our Big Blue, too! From the shells on the beach to the seaweed elegantly swimming in the seas to the texture of seawater swept sand, we harnessed these shapes and textures into modern, unique designs featured on every lid.

Silicone, while not biodegradable, was the obvious plastic-free material choice for our leak-proof lids. Scientists believe that silicone is not hazardous to the environment nor toxic to aquatic or soil organisms. It is also dishwasher safe and lightweight.

We also captured the blues, greens, and oranges of the coral reef scapes we love to snorkel, featuring these vibrant colors in our silicone lids topping our classic stainless steel container bases.

The Blue Water Bento collection is available in both round containers such as the Seal Cup Solo or the nesting Seal Cup Trio as well as in rectangular bentos, like our Splash Box, Splash Pod and Mini Splash Pod (more sizes coming soon!).

The Blue Water Bento Line combines innovative technology with contemporary designs making it easy for everyone to reduce their plastic use. Reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean helps protect aquatic flora and fauna, guaranteeing the great blue wonder stays healthy and happy for a very long time.

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