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ECOlunchbox is proud to be a Certified B Corporation!

ECOlunchbox B Corp

We're Celebrating B Corp Month!

Have you ever seen the B logo and wondered exactly what that certification is all about? ECOlunchbox is a proud B Corp! We want to offer you a chance to learn about "Benefit Corporations" and what makes a #BetterBusiness.

B Corps are businesses working to build stronger communities, a healthier planet, and more inclusive and equitable companies. They set the standard for a better way to do business.

Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
Additionally, ECOlunchbox offsets its carbon footprint, including ou inbound sea freight, outbound UPS shipments, business travel and electric and gas usage for our administration.
ECOlunchbox Certified B Corp

ECOlunchbox is proud to be a Certified B Corporation! As a B Corp, we meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

ECOlunchbox Certified B Corp

California Green Business
As part of our social and environmental responsibility, ECOlunchbox is also a Certified California Green Business. Being a Certified Green Business is a way to show our community that ECOlunchbox is committed to exceeding all environmental regulations, implementing specific practices that reduce pollution, conserving water and energy, and protecting human health.



Carbon Footprint Offset Program
At ECOlunchbox, we strive to be as net climate-neutral as possible and use greenhouse gas accounting annually to measure our carbon footprint. We offset our use by purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to match our corporate electricity usage and support clean energy and carbon offset projects that sequester carbon, like renewable forestry.

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ECOlunchbox Plastic Free B Corp

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Eco-Friendly Valentine’s Charcuterie Boxes for Kids

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