Dogs on the Go: Eco Style

Paint the town, or hiking trail, green for your next big adventure with your favorite canine companion.
A green upgrade for all your pet’s necessities is easier than it looks. Start with your dog’s “closet.” Next time your pup needs a new collar, leash, etc., make sure it’s non-toxic and eco-friendly. And eco-chic stylish, of course.
Outfit your dog in comfortable, well-made, and colorful gear for the hiking trail or city streets.
Upcycling is the way to go in this department. A lot of the materials humans use everyday can easily be transformed into leashes and collars so it makes zero sense to buy new!

From the Climbing Wall to the Dog Park
Dog Patch SF has created this absolutely brilliant recycling program. They collect old climbing ropes and turn them into gorgeous leashes. Every time a climber donates a leash, the climber themselves decides which animal rescue to donate 20% of leashes made from their old ropes.
Rainbow of Colors
Lupine Pet uses plastic bottles to create a line of two-tone weave eco collars and leashes. Available in a variety of palettes, these collars and leashes are beautiful and durable.
Ruby Harvest works with artists to design gorgeous collars that really stand out. Each collar is made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recycled webbing and printed with eco-friendly, lead-free, non-toxic printing.
Dogs need shoes too. No kidding! Rocky terrain, salt on ice, scorching hot pavement, desert terrain with burs and thorns…. these all do a number on a poor pup’s paws.
Purchase a pair of durable boots, like Ultra Cool Dog Boots by Ultra Paws, that are designed to protect against hot sidewalks, boat decks, sand and burning asphalt. If heat isn’t your problem, find a pair built for cold or sharp rocks or whatever your pup needs to keep up with you safely!
Tricks of the Trade
Keeping the shoes on can be a trick. So try treats. If that doesn’t work, distractions, like playing fetch, help to get your puppy used wearing booties.
Making these small but significant changes vastly improves your eco-footprint and your dog’s comfort while on the go.
Once you decide to head for greener pastures, or your collars and leashes are a little too worn for you liking, think about donating them. Most animal shelters or foster organizations happily accept everything from collars to old toys to crates. One dog’s trash is another ones treasure after all!